How Do Spinal Cord Injuries Impact the Body?

July 19, 2022
Jack Fine

Because of the spinal cord’s role in virtually all bodily functions, even relatively minor spinal cord injuries can have life-altering effects. The Gainesville personal injury lawyers of Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano P.A. explore the nature of spinal cord injuries and how they impact a patient’s physical well-being. We encourage you to read on to learn more and to contact us today if you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury and you need help pursuing the compensation you deserve. We have the resources and skills necessary to help you recover the compensation you need. 

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

There are two main types of spinal cord injuries: complete and incomplete. A complete spinal cord injury results in total loss of function and sensation below the injury site on both sides of the body. An incomplete spinal cord injury results only in a partial loss of function or sensation and, depending on the nature of the injury, may only affect one side of the body.

Spinal cord injuries are also categorized based upon level, which refers to which vertical segment of the spinal cord is affected. The four spinal cord injury levels are:

  • Cervical spinal cord injuries, which affect everything from the neck down
  • Thoracic spinal cord injuries, which affect everything below the upper chest
  • Lumbar spinal cord injuries, which affect the hips and legs
  • Sacral spinal cord injuries, which affect the hips and the back of the legs

Bodily Impacts of Spinal Cord Injuries

In addition to acute and chronic pain, spinal cord injuries can result in a wide range of debilitating symptoms, including:

  • Spinal shock – This is the temporary loss of all function below the injury site. This state of shock is unavoidable and may persist for days or weeks following an injury.
  • Autonomic dysreflexia – Involuntary reactions to external stimuli or bodily sensations commonly occur after the spinal shock phase. In some cases, this hyper-reflexiveness persists for life.
  • Neurogenic shock – A low heart rate and blood pressure after a spinal cord injury is called neurogenic shock. 
  • Difficulty breathing – Any cervical or thoracic spinal cord injury can affect the muscles used to breathe, cough, and clear secretions from the lungs. These symptoms may be short-term or long-term.
  • Bladder and bowel control issues – Spinal shock can completely degrade normal muscle tone, leaving patients with bladder or bowel control issues after injury. Some patients may lose function permanently.
  • Stomach ileus – This occurs when the stomach and intestine temporarily cease functioning, such as during spinal shock. Stomach acid can damage the stomach lining and contribute to ulcers.

Depending on the circumstances, those who’ve suffered a spinal cord injury may also experience long-term complications, such as:

  • Difficulty regulating temperature – A spinal injury may result in the inability to sweat or cause the victim to develop goose bumps below the injury site.
  • Deep vein thrombosis – Blood clots in the arms or legs can result from the lack of regular movement.
  • Sores and skin infections – Bed sores, pressure ulcers, and other skin conditions caused by too much pressure, heat, or moisture can lead to infection.
  • Muscle and tendon spasticity – Abnormal stiffness in muscles or tendons can cause pain and interfere with movement.
  • Loss of sexual function – Spinal injuries often result in the loss of sensation and normal function in sexual organs.

Effects of Spinal Cord Injuries on Your Life 

The physical effects are just the beginning of the challenges spinal cord injury victims face. Many spinal cord injuries leave victims unable to work, making it difficult for them to pay for the medical expenses that follow these serious injuries. They can also decrease the victim’s quality of life due to not being able to enjoy favorite pastimes or the same relationships they had with loved ones. Spinal cord injuries can also take a considerable toll on a person’s mental health and emotional well-being. 

Spinal cord injuries can affect every aspect of your life. If you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury, you need an experienced injury attorney who can fight for you.

How an Experienced Gainesville Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help 

Spinal cord injury cases are much more complex than other types of injury cases. The effects of a spinal cord injury can be lifelong, which will require a careful assessment of the victim’s damages. Insurance companies will fight aggressively to try to deny the claim because they do not want to be on the hook for the extensive damages their insured caused. The skilled Gainesville personal injury lawyers at Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano P.A. can help you with your claim by:

  • Thoroughly investigating your claim and all potential avenues for recovery
  • Documenting all current and anticipated future expenses caused by the accident, including medical, physical therapy, and caregiver costs for the rest of your life 
  • Hiring experts who can evaluate the economic loss caused by the injuries, including economists and vocational experts who can testify about 
  • Working with life care planners to create a detailed life care plan that considers the lifelong effects of a spinal cord injury on your life
  • Working with medical providers to reduce the cost of health insurance liens in order to maximize the amount of compensation you ultimately keep 
  • Handling legal motions, conducting depositions, and taking your case to trial to fight for the maximum compensation for your case 
  • Protecting government benefits by using structured settlements, special needs trusts, or other planning mechanisms so that your award does not jeopardize your benefits

At Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano P.A., we have the resources, network of experts, and skills necessary to help you maximize compensation for your claim. 

Injured in a Car Accident? Fine Farkash & Parlapiano, P.A. Can Help

If you suffered a spinal cord injury in a Gainesville car accident or some other traumatic incident, the injury attorneys of Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano P.A. can help you demand compensation from the at-fault party. Contact us today to learn more about your legal options in a free initial case review.

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