National Unplugging Day
Many Gainesville car accidents occur every year because drivers are distracted by their cell phones or other electronic devices. The car accident lawyers at Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano, P.A. encourage people to put their cell phones down while driving and to take part in this year’s National Day of Unplugging.
What Is the National Day of Unplugging?
The National Day of Unplugging is an event each year when people put away all of their electronic devices for a 24-hour period from sundown to sundown. The day is meant to inspire people to unplug, unwind, relax, and do other enjoyable things without technology.
Pew Research indicates that the average American family has about five connected devices. These devices sometimes interfere with human connections in real life. They can also interfere with a good night’s sleep or going outside.
The awareness campaign occurs on the first weekend in March. In 2022, the National Day of Unplugging occurs between sundown on March 4 and March 5.
The Dangers of Driving While Distracted
One of the benefits of the National Day of Unplugging is that it reminds us of how present we can be in the moment without worrying about all the dings, bells, and whistles from electronic devices that frequently divert our attention. Many people drastically underestimate the dangers that cell phones and other electronic devices have on their ability to drive safely.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that distracted driving leads to approximately 3,100 traffic fatalities every year. However, experts believe this estimate is drastically lower than the reality because these statistics rely on the distracted driver admitting to it – or being alive to admit it. Taking your eyes off the road for even a second can drastically increase the risk of causing a distracted driving car accident. According to AAA, any cell phone use quadruples the risk of a crash. Unfortunately, many people who say they are aware of the dangers of distracted driving still admit to driving while distracted.
How Can I Recognize the Day?
Members of the Reboot Network encourage you to recognize NDU 2022 by making a plan with friends or family ahead of the day to turn off all smartphones, televisions, gaming systems, personal assistants, and computers. Consider what you would do instead of using technology during the 24-hour break, such as:
- Reading a book
- Hiking a trail
- Visiting with an old friend
- Reading the newspaper
- Going to the library
- Meeting a friend for breakfast
- Cleaning out closets
- Visiting a loved one in a nursing home
You are also encouraged to sign the Unplugging Pledge and share #unpluggingpledge on social media.
How to Stay Involved with NDU 2022 All Year
The National Day of Unplugging is coordinated by the Unplug Collaborative, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. You can support this organization directly or by helping with its Unplug Villages or Unplug for a Cause initiatives. You can also support the mission by making simple lifestyle changes, such as having the dinner table be a no cellphones zone or getting all members of your household to agree not to text and drive.