What to Know About Chest Pain After a Car Accident

March 22, 2022
Jack Fine

Car accident victims frequently report suffering chest pain in the days and weeks following an accident. An injury to the chest can affect the ribs, lungs, heart, and other bones and organs. 

Here, we’ll discuss the most common types of chest injuries that occur in motor vehicle accidents, what the symptoms and treatments are, and how you could seek compensation if someone else’s negligence caused your crash. 

Types of Chest Injuries After an Accident

Some of the most commonly-reported chest injuries caused by car accidents include: 

  • Broken ribs
  • Punctured lungs
  • Internal organ injuries
  • Bruised ribs
  • Muscle strains

One common and particularly concerning chest injury that car accident victims might suffer is a myocardial contusion. A myocardial contusion occurs when the heart muscle is bruised after an accident. While myocardial contusions can range from mild to severe, the most serious contusions can cause heart attacks and other life-threatening conditions. Myocardial contusions often occur when a motorist hits their chest against the steering wheel during a collision. 

Symptoms of Myocardial Contusion

Some of the most common symptoms of myocardial contusions include: 

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Weakness
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Respiratory problems like shortness of breath
  • Pain in the chest area
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Extreme fatigue

If you notice chest pain after a car accident or any of the symptoms of a myocardial contusion, you should seek immediate medical care. Your physician may order imaging tests, such as an X-ray or a CT scan of the chest, or conduct a physical examination of the area. 

They could also order a CBC, or complete blood count test, to collect information about the cells in your blood. Evaluating the number of enzymes present in your blood can help your doctor determine whether tissue in your heart was damaged due to trauma. Your medical provider will most likely order numerous electrocardiograms (ECGs) to monitor your heart function. 

Treatments Available 

If your doctor diagnoses a myocardial contusion, they will probably suggest close monitoring for 24 hours. If you are treated in an emergency room, your physician may treat your condition using: 

  • Medicines to treat your blood pressure and any pain you are experiencing
  • A pacemaker, which can help control your heartbeat
  • IV treatment to supply your body with fluids, nutrients, medication, and more
  • Extra oxygen

Other heart injury treatments include: 

  • Surgery on damaged blood vessels
  • Chest tubes to drain any blood that is pooling around the hear

Dealing with the accident claims process while you are being treated for a severe chest injury can be overwhelming. A knowledgeable Gainesville, Florida car accident attorney can handle every aspect of your case for you, from gathering evidence for your claim to negotiating with the insurance company while you focus on your recovery. 

Need a Gainesville Personal Injury Lawyer? Contact Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano Today

Did you suffer a chest injury in a car accident in Gainesville, Florida? If so, contact a Gainesville Florida car accident lawyer at Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano, P.A. right away for help. With over 100 years of combined experience, our team has the skills, knowledge, and resources you’ll want on your side. 

When life changes, we are there. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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